Getting Started
Create an account Sign up at Humata's website using your Email and password (Should be at least 8 characters and may include special characters & numbers for a stronger password)
Fill up the necessary fields and Click "Create an account".
A verification link will be sent to your email, check your inbox or SPAM folder.
Confirm your signup by clicking the link to verify your email
How to upload? To upload a file in Humata, drag and drop your files or folder in the upload section or you can choose to click the upload button to locate your document and upload.
After uploading a file, the ask feature will be automatically enabled. You can ask Humata what you want to know about your uploaded document.
How to enable the "Ask all" feature. To enable the "Ask All" feature, tick the boxes of the files or folder and click the Ask All button.
How to move files? Click, drag, and drop files to move them between folders.
Drag the file to the name of the folder or home page icon to move the file back to a previous location.
Account settings To go to the Account settings, click your profile located at the upper right corner of your screen and click Settings.
Plan information You can check your plan information on the Account settings. Here you can monitor how many pages have been uploaded for the current month and how much additional charges will be added to your next bill.
Pay-As-You-Go Spending Controls On the Plan section of the Account settings, you can see the spending control feature where you can put a limit on how much you want to spend when uploading additional pages.
Chat settings You can choose between 3 modes on how Humata would respond to your questions. Grounded - Humata strictly cites your documentation for precise answers. The AI will respond "I can not provide an answer based on the provided documents" if the information you seek cannot be found in your uploaded file. Balanced - Humata will use your document first as a reference and to find information, but Humata may add extra insights and information not found in your uploaded document to complete an answer. Creative - Humata expressively answers your questions loosely leveraging your document data. We recommend this setting if your question is out of topic or irrelevant to the document uploaded. You can play around with the chat setting to find what response setting would best suit your needs.
Last updated